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Belong Believe Become

        As a community we do our utmost to live life honouring the Holy Scriptures and the Values imparted to us by Jesus.  

        Our focus is on God's restorative work in and through repentance and reconciliation. We believe that to make a difference we need to be the difference, and for us, this begins by serving the needs of our community in and through real and intentional relationships. 


        Belong, Believe, Become

        Our first port of call is to be a caring, loving community, guided towards wholeness by God's Grace and by His Holy, Healing and Enabling Spirit. 

        Our hope, is that empowered by God's Holy Spirit, our lives, words and actions may in some small way play a part in God's children being restored to the Love of God; and that God's Spirit will be poured out across Aotearoa, that this land and its people will be healed. 


        God’s motivation to act is always Love, and so Love is also our motivation to act.
        We believe that if we reflect God into the world, the world and the people in it will recognise God’s Goodness and Love and that this will be the Lifeline of Hope that so many hunger for.